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Mandandeupur MunicipalitySystem
In 2018, Mandandeupur Municipality prepared a municipal profile that includes details of all socio-economic information of its inhabitants as well as all municipal institutional services as well as the gaps realized. The profile was based on a detailed data collection and analysis process. Data was collected at three levels – HH census survey, institutional services and infrastructure, GPS location of all HHs and service locations.
This database management system developed at Waling Municipality not only manages the HH level socio economic information and the municipal services and assets, but also allows mapping of delinquent tax payment collection and thereby generate tax bills, thus improve its own source revenue for enhanced services. This system will make it possible for the municipality to escalate its own source revenue by being able to track paying and non-tax paying households and thus generate tax bills utilizing the available GPS HH data and linking them with tax payers’ data. The system is considered a pressing need as recommended by the National Urban Development Strategy (NUDS), MoUD.
मण्डनदेउपुर नगरपालिका नेपालको बागमती प्रदेश अन्तर्गत काभ्रेपलाञ्चोक जिल्लामा अवस्थित छ। नेपालको राजधानि काठमाडौंबाट उत्तर-पूर्वमा ५५ कि.मि. दुरीमा रहेको यस नगरपालिकाको क्षेत्रफल ८९ वर्ग कि.मि. रहेको छ। यस नगरपालिका साविक बालुवापाटी देउपुर, गैरीवीसौना देउपुर,नयाँगाउँ देउपुर, महादेवस्थान मण्डन, चण्डेनी मण्डन, जैसीथोक मण्डन र ज्याम्दि मण्डन (१-४ , ६) गा.वि.स गरी सात गा.वि.स मिलेर सम्वत २०७३ साल फागुन २७ गते राजपत्रमा प्रकाशनपछि अस्तित्वमा आएको हो। यस नगरपालिकाको पूर्वमा भम्लु गाउँपालीका,पश्चिममा भक्तपुर र काठमाडौं, उत्तरमा सिन्धुपाल्चोक जिल्ला र दक्षिणमा बनेपा र पाँचखाल नगरपालिका रहेको छ।मध्यम पहाडी हावापानी भएको यस नगरपालिकालाई विभिन्न १२ वटा वडामा विभाजन गरिएको छ ।
यस नगरपालिकामा विशेष गरी हिन्दु, वौद्ध र इशाई धर्मावालम्वीहरुको बसोबास रहेको छ । यहाँ ब्राह्मण, क्षेत्री र तामाङ्ग जातिको बाहुल्यता रहेको छ । यहाँका नागरिकहरुले कृषि, पशुपालन र व्यापारलाई र पर्यटन व्यवसायलाई मुख्य पेशाको रुपमा अँगाल्दै आएका छन् । धुलिखेल, बनेपा र काठमाडौं उपत्यकाबाट नजिक रहेकोले यस नगरपालिकाको आर्थिक, सामाजिक तथा साँस्कृतिक विकासमा प्रत्यक्ष सकारात्मक प्रभाव परेको छ । यहाँ उत्पादन हुने कृषिजन्य तथा पशुजन्य उपजहरु तिनै बजार क्षेत्रमा बढी खपत र विक्री हुने गरेको छ । भौगोलिक रुपमा मध्यम स्तरीय पहाडी धरातल रहेको यस नगरमा मानव बसोबास र पर्यटन व्यवसायको लागि अति उपयुक्त स्थानहरु रहेका छन् । मण्डनदेउपुर काभ्रे जिल्लाकै सबैभन्दा कान्छो नवगठित नगरपालिका भएकोले यसलाई एक सक्षम नगरपालिकाको रुपमा स्थापना गर्ने चुनौति समग्र नगरवासी तथा सरकारी र गैरसरकारी निकायहरुको काँधमा आई परेको छ । यहाँ भएका सम्भावनाहरुलाई अवसरको रुपमा परिणत गर्न र यहाँ रहेका समस्याहरुको न्यूनीकरण गर्ने क्रममा योजनावद्ध तवरबाट लाग्नु पर्ने आवश्यकता छ ।
Why Digital Municipality
In the current era of Information and Communication, it remains prudent for local governments to have information for public use to the extent possible as well as for its own immediate access, as when needed. The efficient functionality of any government agency is clearly defined by how transparent it is as well as their ability to share information to the extent possible. This characteristic is also closely monitored by public agencies and institutions, as a part of an evaluation system. Going digital is also important and have information readily available as it has become a part of modern civilization to ensure change in laws as well as implementation mechanisms of public institutions and organizations are conducted with the interest to the public as primary. A digital system will make it possible to include citizens in the process of establishing a citizen centric service and information system.